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Multisports and Dance

The development of physical skills at an early age is very important – and children are often capable of much more than you would imagine. Multisport sessions are on a Friday and run by Sprint Active Education, and take place under the canopy outside, the field or (if the weather is really horrible) in the quiet room. Dance sessions are on a Wednesday and ran by Creative Flair. They take place in the quiet room. The vast majority of children take part enthusiastically once they are settled into the playgroup routine.​

Follow the below link for more information:

Kineton Playgroup Ltd registered in England and Wales (registered company number 5812933)

Registered office: Helen’s Place, King John’s Road, Kineton, Warwickshire, CV35 0HS
Registered charity number: 1115513    Ofsted number: EY359930


Our Privacy Notice can be found in the 'policies' section of the website

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