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In a nutshell

Age range: ​​                2 years to 5 years


Opening hours:         9.00 am - 3.00 pm


  • Mornings:               9.00 am - 12.00 noon   

  • Afternoons:            12.00 noon - 3.00 pm       

  • Full day:                 9.00 am - 3.00 pm

  • Lunch:                    11.30 am - 12.00 noon.

                                     Children bring in their own packed lunch.                                      Hot dinners at Kineton Primary School are                                     an option on a Wednesday and Thursday

On request shorter sessions are available for non-funded places. We aim to be as flexible as possible subject to availability of places and planning for children's care and development.
We follow the curriculum set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage (2014). Over and above that we try to give every child with us the opportunity to develop their own interests and skills in the way most appropriate to them. This enables them to develop their own self image, confidence and independence.

Our staff


We have an excellent team of experienced early years and child care staff, some of whom have worked here for more than ten years and many of whom have (or had) their own children with us.  We operate a minimum ratio of 1 adult to 8 children (or 1 adult to 4 children under 3 years old). Our team comprises the Manager, the Deputy Managers, Senior Practitioners, Practitioners, our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) and a dedicated team of Assistants.

All of our staff are trained in Child Protection and Food Hygiene. All staff who have contact with children have First Aid qualifications. All members of our staff participate in regular in-house refresher training in all aspects of playgroup and after school club life, as well as external training courses and qualifications.


Our staff - to find out who does what, please click here.​​
​Where we play


Situated on the Kineton Primary School site, we have our very own, purpose-built, building, Helen's Place. It provides an excellent venue for "our" children to participate in a wide variety of activities. The children's area comprises two large rooms: a general playroom, which  accomodates our role play area, our arts and crafts area and much much more! We also have a "quiet" room, where we have chance to read books, unwind and also where we have register and story time.  Not only that but we also have a fantastic outdoor area (enclosed and secure), where we ride bikes on our litte road, play in the play house and explore in the sandpit. Our extensive covered area allows us to join in outdoor activities whatever the weather. Together this makes a wonderful outdoor classroom.

We also have access to the school fields and have a Forest School, offering us an even greater area for outdoor play and discovery.

















​Educational Aims and Objectives

Our educational programme follows the seven areas of learning and development as laid out by the EYFS​ (Early Years Foundation Stage) - click to view link. All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected. Three areas are particulary crucial for igniting children's curiosity and enthusiam for learning, and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive.

These, prime areas are:

  • communication and language

  • physical development

  • personal, social and emotional development.

We also support children in an additional four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied:

  • ​literacy

  • mathematics

  • understanding the world

  • expressive arts and design.

At Kineton Playgroup we are mindful about promoting British Values in our everyday practice, and teaching them at a level that is appropriate to each child’s stage of development. Click here to see how we demonstrate this.

​Click here to see our educational aims and objectives in more detail, as well as the characteristics of effective learning.

Kineton Playgroup Ltd registered in England and Wales (registered company number 5812933)

Registered office: Helen’s Place, King John’s Road, Kineton, Warwickshire, CV35 0HS
Registered charity number: 1115513    Ofsted number: EY359930


Our Privacy Notice can be found in the 'policies' section of the website

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